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For your insurance needs our K of C Insurance Field Agent is Michael B. McCabe. Michael is a member of our council and he is available to assist you in fulfilling your commitment to take care of your family. He can be reached at office phone: (505) 514-2200 or email: michael.mccabe@kofc.org. Here is Michaels’s message for this quarter:

Shopping That All Men Should Do

 By nature, most men do not like to shop. At the risk of sounding chauvinistic, that inclination seems more likely to drive our wives, daughters, mothers or other females we know. Sure, there are exceptions. Maybe you enjoy trips to the hardware store for a tool to help on a home improvement project. Maybe you’re a collector or you like to shop for cars. Maybe you like to find the best deal on the newest high-tech gadget for your living room. When you do decide it’s time to make a purchase, if you’re like me, you want to get the best value for your money. You want the best customer service possible. Sometimes, this requires lots of research and planning. But one of the most important purchases you can make can be put into motion through a simple meeting with me, a Brother Knight.

The core product offered by the Knights of Columbus is not glitzy. It’s not like a new car or a classic one. It’s not like a laptop or a flatscreen television. It’s not something you can “show off” to your friends, but you can brag about it. Life insurance is something that everyone needs. If you have some life insurance, the odds are great that you need more. If you don’t have any coverage, you should stop to consider all the benefits of a whole life policy. Remember, it’s not about you. It’s about your family.

When was the last time you shopped for life insurance? If the answer is “a long time ago” or “never”, it’s time you speak with me. Have you considered your retirement and how you will afford to maintain your current lifestyle? Our annuities can help. Is your income protected in the event of a serious illness or injury? Are you prepared to cover the expensive costs of long-term care should you or your spouse need it? The Knights of Columbus can help provide solutions to these common situations, too. Please schedule an appointment with me today.

Find out more about the services the Knights of Columbus Insurance can provide for you at our web site. Knights of Columbus Insurance


Michael B. McCabe
Field Agent
2800 San Mateo Blvd NE Suite 111
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Mobile: (505) 514-2200
Fax: (505)830-5769





Copyright © 2017 - Knights of Columbus Risen Savior Council 8741